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Friday, 2 January 2015

How to Fix USB Device Not Recognized in Windows

USB drives or External drives or External hard drives or External flash drives are the essential components for any computer either using Window or Linux. It use to keep important data and files.

But sometimes When, we connect our external hard drive to Pc then a message appearing telling that, " USB not Recognized " or " One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned "And the window does not recognized it ".

So, We use to install and uninstall drivers, Restart our Pc in safe mode and much more but we can't get success.

 We will try to solve this problem in 2 different ways, If one is not enough .

Method 1 : Sometimes, Motherboard need to restart or reboot because all the USB drivers get support from Motherboard.

1. Unplug or Remove your computer from Power Supply,
2. Now, Wait till 2 minutes.
3. Now,  Plug in power supply to computer and then Restart your Computer. 
4. And then, connect USB device to PC. done.

Method 2 : Sometimes , The device drivers of our Computer may be corrupted and the window failed to recognized the driver due to corrupt drivers . So , you have to update your driver either manually or automatically by window update. click here

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